I-China International Medical Equipment Fair(CMEF) - Spring, umbukiso wemishini yezokwelapha, yabanjwa kusukela mhla ziyi-13 kuya ziyi-16 kuMeyi 2021 e-Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center.
I-Thinker Motion ibambe iqhaza ku-EXPO ku-booth 8.1H54, nethimba lethu lezobuchwepheshe nezokuthengisa.Imikhiqizo ehlukahlukene ikhonjiswe ngesikhathi se-EXPO, okuhlanganisa i-lead screw stepper motor, i-ball screw stepper motor, i-closed-loop stepper motor ene-encoder, i-motor ene-gearbox yokunciphisa, i-motor with brake, isilinda kagesi, kanye ne-actuator yomugqa;siphinde sabonisa idemo ekhombisa ukuthi i-stepper motor isebenza kanjani nokuthi iyiphi i-stepper motor engasetshenziswa.
Phakathi nezinsuku ezi-4 ze-CMEF-Spring, i-Thinker Motion iheha amakhulu ezivakashi ezibonisa isithakazelo esiqinile emikhiqizweni yethu, futhi zibe nengxoxo ejulile nonjiniyela bethu;engxoxweni nezivakashi, sithole imininingwane eminingi ebalulekile efana nohlobo lomkhiqizo, isicelo, kanye nezidingo ezikhethekile noma ezenziwe ngezifiso, njll…;ngengxoxo siphinde sisiqonde kangcono isidingo semakethe se-stepper motor, lokhu kuzoba isithenjwa esibalulekile kithi ekuthuthukisweni komkhiqizo omusha ngokuzayo.
I-CMEF-Spring Shanghai 2021 iyi-EXPO eyimpumelelo, ebheke ngabomvu ku-EMEF elandelayo.

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Jul-27-2021